Facial Waxing

Knoxville, TN's Salon For Eyebrow Wax, Lip Wax, Chin Wax, Nose Wax, and More

Your Facial Wax Experience

The Perfect Eyebrow Wax In Knoxville, TN

The art of hair removal dates back to the Ancient Egyptians, using makeshift tweezers and globs of sticky substances. Flash to today; we share the same annoyance with body hair. Fortunately, we have many options available, but how do you choose? The Babe Cave believes waxing is the best solution for all skin and hair types.

With continuous training at the core of The Babe Cave, our team is knowledgeable and experienced in the latest trends of facial waxing to ensure you leave with the dream fleek brows! 

Our Facial Waxing Options

Women's Eyebrow Wax

This service includes waxing, tweezing, and trimming of the eyebrows. Customize your style to get that perfect arch!

$22.00 · 15 minutes

Women's Lip Wax

This quick waxing service is perfect if you are looking to remove that peach fuzz under your nose. This is commonly added with our chin wax service.

$10.00 · 5 minutes

Women's Sides Of Face Wax

Looking to remove the hair from the sides of your face? This service includes waxing of your sideburns.

$10.00 · 10 minutes

Women's Jawline Wax

The jawline waxing include waxing of the jawline, chin, and the front of your neck.

$20.00 · 15 minutes

Women's Chin Waxing

This service includes the removal of hair from under the lower lip and chin. This is commonly added to our lip wax service. 

$10.00 · 5 minutes

Women's Nose Wax

Our nose waxing service includes the removal of hair located in the inner rim of both nostrils.

$15.00 · 10 minutes

Women's Full Face Wax With Brows

This service includes it all: eyebrows, forehead, lips, sides of face, cheeks, chin, jawline and under the jawline. (Nose and neck not included.) $92 value, $45 savings.

$55.00 · 30 minutes

Women's Full Face Wax Without Brows

This service includes waxing the forehead, lips, sides of face, cheeks, chin, jawline and under the jawline. (Nose, neck, & brows not included.) $92 value, $45 savings.

$40.00 · 20 minutes

Check Out Our Work

Facial Waxing In Knoxville, TN

What is Facial Waxing?

Facial waxing is the removal of hair from the forehead to the jawline, and everything in-between. We use a combination of high quality soft wax along with a perfect technique to be able to provide the fastest and best waxing services in Knoxville, TN. Facial waxing services include eyebrow waxing, lip waxing, chin waxing, nose waxing, jawline waxing, cheek waxing, and full face waxing.

Who is Facial Waxing For?

Facial waxing is good for the person who wants to get rid of that peach fuzz on their face or anyone who commonly has even the darker, thicker hair growth in the upper lip and chin area.

When Should I Get A Facial Wax?

For your first facial wax, it’s best to wait three to four weeks after your last way of hair removal. This includes tweezing, shaving, waxing, and hair removal creams. We recommend scheduling your follow up appointments every three to five weeks.

How Do Your Perform Your Facial Waxing?

We first protect the skin with special oil. Using a carefully crafted technique and a cotton muslin strip, the hair is then removed. Afterward, we apply the appropriate products customized for your skin to avoid any breakouts and leave your skin looking rejuvenated.

Questions? We have answers!

Facial Waxing FAQs

Yes, you can wear makeup for a facial wax. Keep in mind that any makeup will be removed during the service.

It is highly suggested to wait 24 hours before applying face makeup. This will lessen any chance of breakouts or irritation.

Our quality wax, products and technique substantially lessen the chance of breakouts. Typically the more you familiarize your skin with waxing, the fewer irritations occur. Aftercare upheld by our clients from home dramatically affects how well their skin looks and feels.